Hi, I'm Danielle

Growing up I made sure to do everything right...

Get good grades

Get a degree

Get a good job

Get married

Have kids

I followed that checklist of expectations to the letter and at the end of my list I expected to feel happy and fulfilled, but instead I felt I didn't know who I was or even what I wanted out of life.

I had been so focused on 'The List' that I ignored the most important factor...ME!

I went searching for why I was so unhappy and discovered a life long path of people pleasing and perfectionism.

I had completely abandoned myself for the sake of the coveted 'LIST'!

Now as a Certified Identity Based Life Coach and ThetaHealing© Practitioner, I'm on a mission to help women...

Lose 'The List'

Stop 'Should-ing' On Themselves

Live In Alignment With Their True Identity

The beliefs at the core of my work


Doing 'THE WORK' doesn't have to take years

My signature methodology is designed specifically for women struggling with codependency and perfectionism. It breaks down the patterns that are holding you back from your dream life. My approach gets you into action and blended with ThetaHealing© we fast track your success!

Your identity is yours...Choose it

Listen, it's not your fault that you're stuck. You developed beliefs about yourself and the world a long time ago and it's created the identity you have today. But at any time you can choose something different!

You already have everything you need

Everything you need in order to have the life you want is already inside of you! I will guide you to release what is no longer serving you and give you the tools, accountability and support to upgrade your identity, step into your purpose and take control of your life!

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